
Types Of
Suspended Ceilings

Suspended ceilings are primarily used in commercial and residential buildings and are sometimes referred to as a false ceiling.
They hang below the structural ceiling and improve acoustics in a room by lowering the ceiling height. They can also make for a much cleaner design, by concealing wires as well as heating and ventilation pathways.

Exposed Grid
Exposed grid varieties are the most common type of suspended ceiling. They consist of long metal strips, called “mains,” which are interconnected with shorter metal pieces known as “tees.” Together, the mains and tees form a grid system of 2′ by 2′ or 2′ by 4′ squares, which are then filled with acoustical ceiling tiles.

Concealed Grid
Concealed grid systems use the acoustical tiles to hide the grid system from view. This creates a smooth, clean look that many find to be aesthetically pleasing. The tile used in a concealed system has a small groove built into it’s perimeter, which slides over the mains and tees to cover them. This type of system is more expensive than an exposed system, and can make it more difficult for maintenance personnel to access areas above the ceiling.

Types of Tiles
Potter Interior Systems offers a comprehensive range of suspended ceiling tiles. Our mineral fibre, woodwool, metal and wooden ceiling tiles meet the latest seismic, acoustic, hygiene and fire requirements. While off-white tile is the most common, a number of other colours are available, as well as tiles printed with designs and patterns. In hospitals and clean room settings, mold and mildew resistant tiles may be used.


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