
Passive Fire

BOSS FireMastic-300or FireSilicone-EMAw/ Thermal Defence Wrap - Option for oversize aperture filled w/BOSS Batts 2 x 50mm


Orientation: Wall; Floor
Substrate: FR Plasterboard; Concrete; Masonry; Korok; Hebel ; Hebel; Special
Category: Plumbing
Material: Non insulated, non combustible pipe
FRR: At least 90; At least 120
Type: Steel, Copper and Iron Pipes; Copper Pipes
Substrate Thickness: Min 100mm ; Other; Min 116mm; Min 116mm ; Min 150mm
System Description: BOSS FireMastic-300or FireSilicone-EMAw/ Thermal Defence Wrap - Option for oversize aperture filled w/BOSS Batts 2 x 50mm
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