
Pyrotek Wavebar

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Quadzero™ is a high performance, foil-faced, mass-loaded vinyl noise barrier, offering superior acoustic transmission loss and low spread of flame surface covering.

Quadzero™ was developed to meet market noise reduction requirements in the domestic, commercial, industrial and OEM sectors.

To achieve this high performance, the Pyrotek engineering team developed Quadzero™ to be dense, thin, strong, tear-resistant and highly flexible. These properties give the product high transmission loss throughout the various weight ranges.It complies with British and international fire and building codes for low spread of flame.

Stiff lightweight panel constructions, such as plasterboard, drywall, plywood and hollow core walls, typically have coincidence dip resonance which allows noise to transmit through a construction. The coincidence dip is dependent on the material’s stiffness and thickness and occurs at the point where the sound transmitted through the structure matches the natural frequency of the panel.

Quadzero™ shifts the coincidence dip to frequencies limiting its impact, thereby maintaining the performance of the product. The thin, dense mass Quadzero™ barrier reflects and absorbs the transmission of sound through walls, ceilings and floors, reducing the critical frequencies generated from mechanical equipment, engine noise and electronic audio devices.


Detailed information is provided on product specific datasheets referenced below, and further technical information is available from the website www.www.pyroteknc.com

© Potter Interior Systems 2024

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