Designed by experienced team of New Zealand suspended ceiling fixers and engineers to fit into ceilings and walls of commercial buildings.
Sizes are compatible with specified furring channel and steel stud spacings to trade recommendations and guidelines.
All hatch components go through a rigorous quality control process and final assembly and packaging is monitored to ensure consistent quality assurance for customers, architects and project managers.
Access hatches are used for entry to ceiling and roof spaces to service and monitor electrical, plumbing and air conditioning systems and equipment. Where our hour fire rating, STC 30 hatches or security hatches are required, refer to UNIHATCH data sheets, 1h/fr, stc 30, sec/max.
Sizes available
UNIHATCH Set Bead H.Down
300 x 300mm
450 x 450mm
530 x 530mm
560 x 560mm
600 x 600mm
850 x 850mm
UNIHATCH Fire-rated Set Bead
300 x 300mm
450 x 450mm
530 x 530mm
560 x 560mm
450 x 450mm
530 x 530mm
UNIHATCH Flanged Hatches
300 x 300mm
450 x 450mm
560 x 560mm
600 x 600mm
UNIHATCH Wet Area Hatches Set Bead
300 x 300mm
450 x 450mm
560 x 560mm
600 x 600mm
UNIHATCH Wet Area Hatches Flanged
300 x 300mm
450 x 450mm
560 x 560mm
600 x 600mm
Detailed Building Product Information Datasheets Are Available from www.unihatch.co.nz
© Potter Interior Systems 2024