WP_Post_Type Object
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            [archives] => All Products
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Product Finder

Explore Our Range of Products
Product Filter

Showing 25–36 of 110 results

  • BOSS PenoPatch™

    BOSS PenoPatch™ is a low cost, simple method of sealing blank openings, individual cables, small bundles of cables, pipes and conduits in a range of 1hr fire walls.

  • Boss Rainscreen Ventilated Fire Barrier

    Rainscreen Ventilated Fire Barrier (RSVB) is developed to protect the building void between the outer rainscreen cladding/facade and the inner construction element.

  • Boss Retrofit Fire Rated Pipe Collars

    BOSS Retrofit Fire Collars prevent the spread of fire where PVC and PE plumbing pipes penetrate concrete fire walls and floors.

  • Boss Thermal Defence Wrap

    BOSS Thermal Defence prevents the passage of fire + smoke between compartments where service penetrations exist, such as cables, cable trays and pipe work.

  • BOSS UniWrap®

    UniWrap® Pipe Wrap is a continuous 25m roll of advanced performance intumescent composition designed to provide high volume expansion and pressure seal.

  • Bradford Fibertex Industrial Rockwool

    Bradford offers a range of rockwool products specifically designed for non-combustible, general purpose industrial applications where fire and thermal properties are required.

  • Bradford Supertel™

    Bradford Supertel™ is designed as internal insulation for HVAC ductwork. It also has many applications as a general insulation product to enhance both thermal and acoustic performance.

  • Bradford Ultratel™

    Bradford Ultratel™ is designed as a high performance internal insulation on HVAC ductwork. It also has many applications as a general insulation product to enhance both thermal and acoustic performance.

  • C Series 45 Aluminium Partition System

    C Series 45 has been designed as a slim-line and cost-effective commodity system without compromising on quality or style

  • DEFLOK Seismic Bracing

    DEFLOK™ is a revolutionary partition bracing system which allows vertical deflection whilst still maintaining all the lateral bracing attributes of the TRACKLOK® range.

  • DF SERIES 105 + 132 Aluminium Partition System

    DF Series has been designed to help with exposed full height aluminium partitions in the modern office designs which tend not to have a traditional panel ceiling

  • Dividers + Displays + Focus Units

    Our premium pinboard or whiteboard dividers and displays are ideal as privacy screens or perfect for showroom displays and exhibitions. Customisable size and finishes using either our quality porcelain on steel whiteboard or pinboard surface. The versatile setup options allow for multiple uses of this incredibly simple system as a static or moveable unit.


Resources & Product Downloads

Potters Whitepapers

Browse the Potter Interior System collection of white papers. Get inspired & get the specifications you need for your project.

55594_yConnect_Original_LFGX5807AE 6x9 (1)

CAD Downloads

Potter Interior Systems has a wide range of resources to help you complete your project. Download your CAD files today.

Aluminium Specification Manual

To ensure you are specifying the right partition suite for your project, view our extensive range of Aluminium Partition Suites.